
jessica - 2004-01-11 18:37:24
hey, saw a banner of yours and i just thought i'd say hello. your thoughts and life are muy interesante... much more than mine. i dunno, maybe if you'll read a few entries in my diary you too will see that i'm just another mundane teenager with angst and desperately wanting to leave high school. at this point i'm just rambling to a stranger. peace.
jessica - 2004-01-11 18:38:35
oops. i typed my url wrong in the last comment, so here it is correctly, just incase you actually wanted to check mine out
komachi - 2004-01-12 10:58:05
Hi, there. You banner brought me here. Although I only read your most recent entry, I must say -- "I am definitely coming back to read more." I enjoyed it very much. :-)

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